Deal last verified on May 21st, 2018.
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Babes Review
With an account at you’ll gain unrestricted access to every existing video and gallery release as well as multiple new updates every week. And since their existing archive is massive, you’ll have plenty of videos and galleries to choose from. As of today, there is a total of 1,272 videos available along with 1,277 photo galleries spread out across this 6-site network. More importantly, there are over 690 different babes to choose from. This includes women like Emma Mae, Mia Malkova, Foxy Di, Kayden Cross, and Jillian Janson. It is no surprise that Emma Mae is the most popular girl featured so far. This sexy blonde has an incredible body, beautiful face, amazing pussy, and perky nipples that you will love. Even though her scenes do not feature hardcore, you’ll get an up-close view of her perfect body from her solo masturbation and girl on girl scenes.
The member’s area offers new subscribers every feature you’ll ever need. Once you log in, you can easily explore every video and photo set by date, rating, and the number of views. You can also limit your video selection to hardcore, lesbian, solo masturbation, and even 4K UHD video. Or you can simply browse by site if you so desire. One you locate a video to watch, you can easily stream in resolutions up to 4K UHD. Simply click on the gear icon located below the video to choose your specific resolution. Other resolutions include 320p, 480p, 720p, and 1080p. To download a video, all you need to do is click on the download arrow icon. A pop-up menu will then appear which will allow you to select your video resolution. In addition to being able to download or stream any video you wish, you can easily view high resolution photos. Every video update comes paired with one, and all you need to do to access the associated gallery is click on the photos link. You can then browse the gallery by hand, start a slide show, or download the entire set of images in a single zip file. One of the best features of the site is their advanced model index. From this section you can easily sort every babe by site, rating, and views. There is also an easy to use search function where you can search for updates by porn star, title, tag, and more.